NIS student in Top 5 at FBLA Olympiad

Zhalgas Tleumuratin, 10 “A” grade student of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Nur-Sultan, became a finalist of the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) KAZAKHSTAN 2020-2021 Olympiad and was among the top five.
Zhalgas actively participated in three stages of the international competition on business for schoolchildren. He received the opportunity to participate as a Kazakhstan delegate at the online International Business Conference to be held in July 2021 in Anneheim, USA.
– I saw the information about the Olympiad on the social network Instagram. Out of the 70 categories offered, I chose the economic category. This category had my favorite math formulas, problems, and graphical analysis. In addition, economics is one of the industries I am interested in. Participating in the FBLA Olympiad gives me several opportunities. First of all, it is an international level competition, which can give me some advantage in admission to foreign universities. Secondly, I will be present at the July conference as a Kazakhstani delegate, – says Zhalgas.
The top 10 finalists were given the opportunity to attend the International Business Conference 2021 for free. The top five finalists received a $200 cash award and a trip to the United States for two weeks.
FBLA Kazakhstan is an opportunity for Kazakhstani students to learn more about business and see if the field is a good fit. FBLA is a very popular competition among high school students in the United States. Under the terms of the competition, participants choose one category, complete the necessary tasks (test/presentation/report, etc.) and move on to the next stage. The winner will receive early entrepreneurial support and special training programs.