«DermaMarker» – conquered Tashkent

NIS International Baccalaureate School students participated in the Central Asian Start-Up Projects Exhibition
Our 11th grade students Tomiris Ydyrysbaeva, Aray Kamalieva, Amir Zhaksylyk and Adilet Ausarbekov took part in the exhibition held in Tashkent.
Seventeen projects were selected at the Tamaris.Tech Expo startup exhibition. The “DermaMarker” app, presented by intellectuals, received the “Deep Dive” nomination.
The people offer a rapid diagnosis of skin diseases, based on scanning a pigmented spot on the skin.
DermaMarker is the name of a platform that scans pigmented skin lesions on the body and analyzes their danger using a neural network (artificial intelligence). The platform identifies 9 different diagnoses of pigmented skin formations.