- The system of criteria-based assessment includes formative, summative assessment and external moderation (for a personal project, electronic portfolio).
- Formative (ongoing) assessment allows the teacher and the student to adjust the learning process and eliminate possible gaps. It is conducted in various forms (oral questioning, written work, practical work, etc.).
- The summative (final) assessment is carried out during and at the end of the study of the unit to determine the level of achievement of the acquired knowledge and the level of development of students’ skills. Upon completion of the study of the unit, at least one summative work is carried out.
- The results of the summative assessment, set in accordance with the level of achievement of the relevant criteria, are recorded in the ISS.
- The semester grade is put on a scale of IB from one to seven and is calculated by determining the final level of achievement for each criterion according to the requirements of the IB, then by adding up the marks for the criteria and calculating the grade taking into account the grade limits set by the IB specified in Appendix 1 to these Rules.
- In cases where the students do not cover all the criteria, then the student assessment is given in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules.
- The grade for the year is displayed and set in the ratio of 40% grade for the first semester and 60% grade for the second semester on a 7-point IB scale. In cases where a score is entered with a fractional part of 0.5 points or more (for example, 5.5 or 6.5), the score is displayed and rounded in favor of the larger number. .
- The gradebook and report card are assessed according to the national numerical five-point grading scale, taking into account the transfer scale of the 7-point grading scale in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules.
- If the summative work is performed by students at the end of the first semester after the start of filling in semester reports, the teacher has the right to transfer these grades to the second semester.
- The grades of all students are checked in the middle of the semester and students who can get in two or more subjects a grade of 3 (satisfactory) or 2 (unsatisfactory) on a 5-point scale at the end of the semester will receive a report status based on their current results in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules.
- External moderation is carried out by experts from the IB.
Student achievement results are shared with parents and students through the ISS.
- Formative assessment carries a corrective function. Formative assessment is not included in semester and year grades.
- Formative assessment is carried out by teachers on an ongoing basis with the aim of preparing students for summative work.
- Formative assessment can take a variety of forms, where the teacher provides feedback to the student.
- The purpose of the summative assessment is to determine the level of achievement of knowledge and skills of students in the subjects during the study of the unit.
- Teachers develop uniform materials for all classes of the same parallel, including the format, structure and content of the work. Three versions of the test work are created for one parallel (summative work performed during one lesson). Two of the test versions are used during the lessons, and the third is used for students who missed the test for a valid reason. If the work involves writing an essay, research paper, oral assignment or other work that cannot be copied by students, then at the teacher’s discretion, one option can be used for all classes in parallel by the teacher. When checking the assignments of the summative work, the criteria provided by the IB should be used.
- The dates of the summative works are brought to the attention of the students and are noted in the ISS. It is planned to carry out no more than three summative works per day. Project work on the day of its delivery is considered as ongoing work carried out the day before and on that day.
- The level of achievement of students for the summative work is set according to the MYP assessment criteria on a scale from 0 to 8. The overall mark for the work is not displayed, and the level of achievement is assessed separately for each criterion. Each criterion is fully assessed once per semester, unless the middle school coordinator gives permission (for example, if the number of academic hours or the number of students does not allow this requirement to be met).
- The summative work can consist of several parts and be carried out over several lessons. The achievement levels for the summative work will be determined based on the results obtained in each part. When drawing up tasks, the number of criteria is determined taking into account the form of the summative work. Materials reflecting the content and structure of the summative work, and assessment criteria, must be provided to students prior to the appropriate assessment.
- For the summative works that were not submitted, the teacher must keep records of students who were not present during the assignment or did not complete the assignment. The supervisor must be notified in writing and a comment must be added to the ISS that the student did not complete the assignment.
- The summative work is carried out under the same conditions for each class in the same parallel.
- Repeated performance of the summative work is not allowed.
- In the absence of a student during the performance of work or missing the deadline for the delivery of the summative work for a valid reason (if there is a medical certificate or order of the director), the summative work missed by him must be completed after his return to school in accordance with the individual schedule for the delivery of the summative work, agreed with teacher. In this case, the work carried out should have the same level of complexity as the missed ones.
- In the absence of a student for an unjustified reason (without presenting a medical certificate, order of the school principle), the right to perform the missed summative work is not granted.
- The mark for the summative works, which were submitted at the wrong time for an unjustified reason, is estimated at zero and affects the semester grade.
- For students with special needs during the period of the summative assessment, types of special conditions are provided in accordance with Appendix 6 to these Rules in the presence of supporting documents (the conclusion of the medical advisory commission (hereinafter MAC), the conclusion of the medical and social examination at the place of residence (hereinafter – POR) or a certificate from specialized medical organizations.
- The application of the type of special conditions for students with special needs is approved by the order of the School Principal.
- Students with special needs are assessed in accordance with these Rules. Providing special accommodations for students with special needs should not provide an unreasonable advantage over other students.
- Electronic assessment (e-assessment) includes a Personal Project and two subjects for each student, approved by the school. Work in these two subjects can be presented either as an e-portfolio or as an on-screen exam according to the MYP’s published Assessment Procedures.
- Electronic exams last two hours and are conducted by the School according to the schedule approved and published by the IB.
- To conduct external moderation of the electronic portfolio and Personal project, School teachers prepare scanned copies of students’ work, which were previously assessed by teachers, and send samples to the IB.
- Based on the results of moderation, the IB may change the rating for an electronic portfolio and a Personal project both upward and downward based on the evaluation criteria. Final grades are provided to students only after IB moderation.
- Final attestation of students is carried out upon completion of middle school.
- Early final attestation in grade 10 is not allowed.
- The list of subjects, the form in which they are held and the language of delivery of the final certification are approved by order of the Chairman of the Board of the AEO no later than December 15 of the current academic year. The timing of the exams is approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board of the autonomous organization of education «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools» (hereinafter – AEO) no later than April 20 of the current academic year, with the exception of the terms specified in the next paragraph.