
The regional online seminar on natural-geography disciplines

The pandemic situation in the country does not prevent teachers from sharing their experiences. This is evidenced by the regional online seminar on natural-geography disciplines, organized by the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Nur-Sultan city.
The main goal of the seminar was to exchange methods of teaching natural and geographical disciplines in the online format, to provide methodological assistance, to develop teachers’ creativity.
Teachers from leading and partner schools of Nur-Sultan and Akmola region, Ereimentau, Egindikol, Tselinograd, Arshaly, Shortandy, Korgalzhyn, Birzhansal districts took part in the seminar.
Teachers talked about how with the help of new methods of teaching and learning in an online format can form a free relationship between student and student, student and teacher, about the possibility of improving the independent work and creativity of students by creating groups, about the transformation of tasks to develop scientific literacy based on different programs. The teachers of physics (Tuleuova A.B., Bizhanova D.A.), chemistry (Beisembaeva D.T., Uralbaeva K.A., Karataeva N.S.), biology (Dusengazina A.T., Amiralieva G.B.) and geography (Nurgalieva G.A.) shared the results of their work, presenting the ways to improve the work of teachers at high level.
During the seminar, Dinara Beisembaeva, a teacher of chemistry at NIS IB, a participant of the contest “Teacher of the World-2021”, showed a master class on “What different Internet tools can be used in online classes under distance learning conditions?” in order to support rural schools.
Within the master class she demonstrated how to work with online platforms,,,, told in detail how to use the stages of “5 Es” model – from individual work with information to assessment during the lesson and how to effectively use the virtual laboratory at a chemistry lesson through the platform
The seminar was attended by 90-120 teachers in each subject in an online format, with 60 minutes to answer their questions and share their experiences. A total of 250 teachers participated.
Teachers’ feedback at the end of the seminar is mainly based on the feedback that they got a lot of information, methods, and techniques from the lessons they attended the seminar, that some teachers were working in Teams format for the first time, and that they wanted to attend such a seminar again and get experience. The participants thanked the organizers of the seminar and the school administration and wished the school staff fruitful work.