NISA PRESS 2019-2020 01 Выпуск 1 - начало учебного года 02 Встреча с кандидатами в Президенты школы 03 teacher’s day, school autumn ball, school upgrade 04 What do NIS students carry with them in bags? (This is the video from Dzhanibekova Dina) 05 Balmaskarad (from Malika and Zhania), desember 2019-2020 06 NISA PRESS about IB students profiles _with titres ))) 07 tête à tête with Ulukbek Kaziyev (Kenes Zaniya) 08 NISA PRESS_news of february (about ECO fest, PP, 'tete a tete') 09 NISA DP Students_video about COVID-19